It's called spinal stenosis, and as my generation says, it sucks. But at least I have some answers to my back pain. Osteoarthritis in my L5 and S1 vertebrae is causing excessive bone growth in other vertebrae, which is closing the spinal canal. There's also evidence of calcification in the pectoral area, which is the answer to my 'chest pain' issue.
Fortunately aging is not the main cause, although it's a contributor. As I've always known, my right leg is longer than the left, by 9 millimeters. This throws off the pelvis, causing strain and pressure on the back, which over time has resulted in degeneration and stenosis.
At least I have my health.
I owe all this wonderful information to my chiropractor, Dr. Jim Landauer, who insisted I have xrays upon hearing that my regular doctors refused this simple diagnostic tool. Does this remind anyone of Michael Moore's SiCKO? Two xrays, without using my insurance, cost me about seventy bucks. Thanks, Dr. Jim. You rule.
click PLAY for the SiCKO extra about 9/11 workers and the promised national healthcare.
Other medical news, doggy style
Our darling Lab, Licorice, has a rapid growth lump on her side that was initially thought to be an abscess. Friday we visited our vet for follow-up, and the lump is larger, not smaller as hoped, and is not softening the way the vet suggested it should with treatment. When the vet couldn't remove fluid from the lump she concluded it is not an abscess. She has never before said the words, "due to her age, I'm very worried. we have to do a biopsy"
Two samples were taken, and we'll have the biopsy results Tuesday or Wednesday.
In the meantime, she's on anti-inflammatory drugs, pain killers, and antibiotics. She's doing more tail wagging now that we've added the painkillers and is behaving a bit more like her usual friendly, overactive self.
Please keep a good thought for our girl.
A great MSN article, 13 Women Who Make Us Cringe. Enjoy!
I finally had time to respond to this post. Thank God for that doctor! Not everyone is out for the fast buck and blah...blah...blah...take a number and stand in line. Do not panic, there is hope for you and that sweet pup! I will post later on the MM you tube. Help! I need a memory chip! Love your flowers and photos, so keep up the great work.
Love you!
So what's to do about the back? I had cortizone (...sone?) shots in my thumbs -- 3 in the right, and boy did THAT hurt -- but it has made a world of difference. I'm just hoping it doesn't "run out" after only a couple of weeks. Time will tell.
Good luck to Licorice! Did the vet just do a biopsy without taking the lump out???
Hi, Yvonne. So far the treatment is seeing the chiro, stretching, and not lifting or reaching at work. You can imagine how happy my boss is with me right now. I'm getting some relief, tho. Let me know how the cortisone works for you. Boy I'd hate to have shots in my spine!
Doc did not remove the lump on Licorice's side. Biopsy showed nothing, which is frustrating. We have to have the growth removed. The problem is it's large, requires a board certified doggy surgeon, and a skin graft.
I'll keep you posted.
: )
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