I'm falling down exhausted right now, still furiously job hunting, working online and earning a few bucks here and there, and in general feeling cruddy. The antidote to this, of course, is my upcoming trip to San Francisco. Can't wait to see everyone, so pour me a pint of pear hard cider and save me a seat at the bar! Anyone up for Moroccan food and belly dancing out in the avenues? Just a warning, I'm bringing summery white clothes which I intend to wear often; if you can't stand to be seen with touristy ole me, take a different cable car. Wheee, travel!
Just a reminder, the Crosby Stills & Nash tickets will be available directly through me, moi, myself, until the last week of June. Then they go back to ticketmaster for sale there. If you want 'em, better get 'em while you can.
little boys and Friday Fun
So I've got ::that:: to look forward to. Next week we'll visit the orthopedist (sp?) and see what he/she has to say. For the time being Chris is glumly wearing a splint.
Most of you have received my new cell phone number, and I would like to encourage you to use it to contact me going forward. (you have my thanks for being such great supportive, loving friends. you guys ROCK!) My job hunt is going excellently well and I'm encouraged. I've applied to numerous positions that I'm excited about and which will pay me a living wage. I'm interested in switching industries, if not careers, and am looking at health and non-profit to hedge against the rapidly declining financial field. There are some awesome openings out there, and I'm working toward getting one of them to come to me. I began looking for apts last week, and was surprised to find there are several locally that are beautiful and affordable. Keeping fingers crossed on all fronts as I move forward. It's hard starting over. Next stop, NannyVille.
Summer approaches, and while there likely won't be any major fun expensive vacations in the works I am at least counting on taking a long weekend alone at some point. Oh, and my roses are in bloom. Photos to be posted later when the gloom of this rain passes by us. It's been a whole week of bad weather, leaky powder room ceiling, and flooded garden. Yuck. I could use a bout of sunshiny weather.
Happy weekend to all.
Top Ten Reasons to book a Spa Package on Mother's Day
9. whining and crying lasts until the kids join in
8. no pink in sight
7. wrestling match over wearing collared shirt hurts my back
6. restaurant doesn't carry enough fire insurance
5. obligatory card from dog
4. two words: chin hair
3. buffet eats purportedly inspired by new Jeffrey Dahmer cookbook
2. the Brazilian hurts less
and, the number one reason to book a spa package on Mother's Day...
1. all those tasty cucumbers
Happy Mother's Day, all!
Why I Detest Sprint

12:23:29 p.m.
Session Started with Agent (OpeaviaT)
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Opeavia. How may I assist you today?"
Shira *: I'd like to change my phone number to a local #.
Agent (OpeaviaT): I'll be glad to assist you. One moment while I access your account.
Shira *: Thank you. : )
(I begin humming, 'Henry the Eighth I am I am, Henry the Eighth I am'...)
Agent (OpeaviaT): For account verification, may I please have the 6-10 digit pin number on the account or could you please answer your security question for me?
Shira *: pin is XXX
Agent (OpeaviaT): I will be right with you.
Agent (OpeaviaT): Which number you want changed?
Shira *: the _ number
Agent (OpeaviaT): I apologize for the delay. I will be with you momentarily to program the phone."
Shira *: Okay, thank you. I'll go get my phone. : )
Agent (OpeaviaT): Is there a different area code in your local area from what you have now?
Shira *: Yes, the cell phones have a _ area code
Agent (OpeaviaT): The are codes that I have is 718, 917 and 347.
Shira *: I live in Maryland.
Agent (OpeaviaT): Which area code are you wanting use?
Shira *: XXX or whatever corresponds to my local area
Agent (OpeaviaT): Thank you. One moment.
(one moment took several minutes. i made coffee, had a cigarette, let the dog out, and did some paper shredding in my office)
Agent (OpeaviaT): Again I apologize for the delay. Make sure the phone is on the main screen showing the time and date.
Shira *: It is.
Agent (OpeaviaT): Press ##
Agent (OpeaviaT): Press the OK key. Svc Menu will appear on the phone display.
Agent (OpeaviaT): Using the scroll-down key, scroll down to highlight Edit and press the OK key. NAM CDMA along with Phone Number appears.
Shira *: "I press OK the first time and get my programmed phone list
Agent (OpeaviaT): Are you able to move to the next step. (with all my heart)
Agent (OpeaviaT): "?"
Shira *: "No"
Shira *: "There is no Svc Menu"
Agent (OpeaviaT): What type of phone do you have ?
Shira *: V1660 by Samsung
(several minutes pass. i'm twirling around in my executive chair shouting Wheee! I hate Sprint)
Agent (OpeaviaT): lets start over by pressing ##
(oh, great. starting over means i have time to surf the net for a burial plot)
Agent (OpeaviaT): Press the OK key. Svc Menu will appear on the phone display.
Shira *: "AHA!"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Using the scroll-down key, scroll down to highlight Edit and press the OK key. NAM CDMA along with Phone Number appears."
Shira *: "yes"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Enter 917 and press the OK key. NAM along with MSID appears."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Enter (your phone #) and press the OK key. The display will show the SVC Menu."
(hold the phone!)
Shira *: "I thought 917 was a NY area code?"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "The area codes is based on your billing address."
Shira *: "My billing address is in Maryland, not NY."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "That is correct ."
(frustration mounts)
Shira *: "I want a Maryland phone number. We don't have a billing address in NYC."
Agent (OpeaviaT): These are codes that I have 718, 917 and 347.
Shira *: Please escalate this call. I should be able to change my phone number and not pay NY taxes when I live and am billed in MD. You (and the computer system) should be able to see that we live and are billed in MD.
Agent (OpeaviaT): The system generates the information however if you want a 718 area code I will make the change.
Shira *: No! I want a phone number that is local to where I actually live, with a prefix of XXX.
(now I get smart)
Shira *: Tell me what billing address you have for me.
Agent (OpeaviaT): "We have (deleted). One moment while we fix this issue."
Shira *: "Yes, that address is correct."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "May I have a land line number in the area code that you are requesting?"
Shira *: "What do you mean a land line # - do you mean my home telephone number?"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "yes that is correct."
Shira *: "it is XXX"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "All right your new number is XXX."
Shira *: "Yayyy!"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Are you ready to program this number to this phone?"
Shira *: "Yes!" (umm, no, lets chat some more while my kid grows up and marries)
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Press ##
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Press the OK key. Svc Menu will appear on the phone display."
Shira *: "my phone shut off - one moment"
Shira *: "ok"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Using the scroll-down key, scroll down to highlight Edit and press the OK key. NAM CDMA along with Phone Number appears."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Please put for the MDN."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Please put for the MSID."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Then Scroll down to down to Done."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "How did this work for you today?"
Shira *: Seems to be great.
The call began at 12:23:29 p.m and ended at 1:48:50 p.m.
This constitutes one hour and thirty minutes of my life that I can never get back.
Have you had a run-in with Sprint's famous service? let's hear about it!
More writerly conundrums
A post was made at one of my favorite writing websites, which detailed the story of an anonymous author who became demonstrably angry with her companions at a restaurant.
What bothered me about this tale and the ensuing 87 comments, was this quote made by one of the moderators:
'My point in posting blind items was to point out that any author, even namelessly, makes the writing community look poorly as a whole with poor behavior. '
This was my comment back:
I'm surprised to hear you say that. I disagree, utterly.
If my son is a jerk at a restaurant it does not mean I'm either an asshole or a poor
mother. I do *not* represent mothers as a whole. Author 'A' does not represent Author 'B' any more than Tom Cruise could represent actors in general. Besides, I've never even BEEN on Oprah, so there.
My point is, I'm not about to walk the world worried about "representing" Nora Roberts, any more than I expect HER to represent me. I hope to Good Bitchery Above that there are others like me out there. Otherwise I'd hate to live in such a narrow world.
Writers, friends, authors. What do you think? Does one writer represent ALL? Or are we capable of being responsible for ourselves?
IMHO, if we are not capable, then we must all at this VERY moment agree to NEVER again purchase a romance novel, chick-lit, or any book with romantic overtones because the cause of romance writing has been ruined by this author's behavior.