full moon madness
I'm back from the west coast and couldn't be more miserable. : )
I had a good visit with friends and family in San Francisco, despite the conspicuous absence of one favorite person. (she knows who she is...hmph) My flights were good, the food was plentiful, and the scenery as expected. Also as expected, most of the time my camera remained perfectly safe in the hotel room, so I have only a few photos of friends, but not one of us all together. Separation is proceeding according to my utter lack of plan, and while this is all a horrible dream I hope to wake up from at some point, I am also filled with that subtle sensation of "I'm doing the right thing." Yeah, I'm just biting the bullet under enormous stress. My baby is clinging, hand holding, and crawling into bed with me at night for comfort. But, we have things to look forward to: elephant yoga (tba later), the summer together and a solo trip to the ocean to cleanse our souls, all the ice cream we can eat, and hopefully, more love than a mom and baby could ever imagine.
My life as a psychic...
I finally did what I've been threatening to do for the last fifteen years and have hung out my psychic readings shingle at LivePerson. I was on another site for a little while without much success, but I have a paycheck coming soon from LP and so am pleased. It's hard sometimes, today being no exception, but I do love it. One caller today got angry (they often do...) because I told him of the positive potentials for a relationship with someone he cares about. Tell them it's doomed, they don't believe you. Tell them it's going to be a wild success, they get...angry? hmm. In any case, I'm enjoying reading live for people, some of whom really need the insight and hand holding, and sometimes that little push on their path, the one that makes them take the risk or step outside themselves. I had the first of three interviews with a well known psychic phone site and hope to hear from them soon. Fingers crossed.
Well, so much for my mini update. More later...
get to know your local Saggie
Sun Sign: Sagittarius Sun 12° Sagittarius 43' | Sagittarius Horoscope for today » | |
Moon Sign: Virgo Moon 13° Virgo 13' | Virgo Horoscope for today » | |
Rising Sign: Libra Ascendant 7° Libra 14' | Libra Horoscope for today » | |
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The Archer is really a centaur -- the lower half is horse, the upper half is a man. The man is holding a bow with an arrow aimed upwards toward the sky. This symbolizes the Sagittarian's drive to overcome basic animal instincts by aiming his thoughts into the divine realms of the heavens. In other words, you Archers are hunting for ideas and experiences that draw you into greater awareness. As such, you Sagittarians tend to love adventure, travel and philosophy -- all ways of extending beyond your immediate surroundings.
Motto: "It is better to know how to learn than to know."
Greatest Strength: Your undying optimistic attitude
Libra Rising is a sign of social skill, charm and grace. You approach the world with a distinct sense of harmony, seeking to create an environment in which others feel welcome. Your manner is likely to be quite attractive with a natural sense of style. You often put others first, setting aside own needs until theirs are met. While this is a delightful habit that most people appreciate, it can make it harder to stand up for yourself. Battling for others, for justice and fairness comes easily, but fighting for your own interests may be more difficult for you.
Motto: "Is everybody happy?"
The Virgin is highly discriminating, but not necessarily as prudish at some might believe. In ancient times, a Virgin was a woman who was not the property of man, and therefore had the legal right to just say "no." Now, in modern times, you Virgos are known for your ability to be highly discriminating. When you are ready, however, to say yes, the laser-like focus of your passion is anything but prudish. Generally, you have a great deal of common sense. But you tend to be tough on yourself, finding flaws that others might overlook. Learning to overlook the small stuff now and then can be good for you.
Motto: "I feel like I can do better."