
full moon madness

Greetings from the Freewill Cafe!
I'm back from the west coast and couldn't be more miserable. : )
I had a good visit with friends and family in San Francisco, despite the conspicuous absence of one favorite person. (she knows who she is...hmph) My flights were good, the food was plentiful, and the scenery as expected. Also as expected, most of the time my camera remained perfectly safe in the hotel room, so I have only a few photos of friends, but not one of us all together. Separation is proceeding according to my utter lack of plan, and while this is all a horrible dream I hope to wake up from at some point, I am also filled with that subtle sensation of "I'm doing the right thing." Yeah, I'm just biting the bullet under enormous stress. My baby is clinging, hand holding, and crawling into bed with me at night for comfort. But, we have things to look forward to: elephant yoga (tba later), the summer together and a solo trip to the ocean to cleanse our souls, all the ice cream we can eat, and hopefully, more love than a mom and baby could ever imagine.

My life as a psychic...
I finally did what I've been threatening to do for the last fifteen years and have hung out my psychic readings shingle at LivePerson. I was on another site for a little while without much success, but I have a paycheck coming soon from LP and so am pleased. It's hard sometimes, today being no exception, but I do love it. One caller today got angry (they often do...) because I told him of the positive potentials for a relationship with someone he cares about. Tell them it's doomed, they don't believe you. Tell them it's going to be a wild success, they get...angry? hmm. In any case, I'm enjoying reading live for people, some of whom really need the insight and hand holding, and sometimes that little push on their path, the one that makes them take the risk or step outside themselves. I had the first of three interviews with a well known psychic phone site and hope to hear from them soon. Fingers crossed.

Well, so much for my mini update. More later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Psychic shingle? That's totally cool. My friend Sephera has read tarot for years.

You should post some pix. :)