
Also true and correct

The week is over and I can't say enough how relieved I am. Irate clients, begging for last minute appointments, showed up in droves Friday and I gleefully, if stoically, turned them all away. There simply is no time left in my boss's schedule for last minute Louies.

Take that, you procrastinating non-tax-filing...guys.

Everyone in the office is stressed out which makes my day rather interesting. I have managed to take the high road in all situations and haven't let either clients or co-workers destroy my inner Zen. It's been tough, no doubt about it; I've been pissed off more times than George Bush has been confused by his job description. Wait, you mean I'm the President?
In an interesting twist, my co-workers seem determined to find out if I'm going to lose control the way they have over the last two weeks. They're waiting for it, watchful, intrigued. They can't seem to process Why is Shira so darned calm and composed? while the phones are ringing off the hook, clients are screaming, the boss is snarking big time and new tax folders are piling up. What's my secret?


I know that Tax Season 07 will end; they don't seem to realize this basic fact. No one will die. No heads will actually turn 360 degrees, nor will green vomit spew from anyone's pie hole.
the piglet must die.

Sorry. Loss of control.

My boss can snark all he likes about the way I make appointments; oh yes, he did! but he's not going to get under my skin with blanket statements. If he has a beef he can bloody well lay it out specifically or crawl back into his office and hide from clients a little more.
It appears I've grown that thick skin I've heard so much about. I still smile throughout my day, ignore the darkling looks from co-workers, perform excellently well, and take criticism with a grain of salt. Hey, my work is done at the end of the day. It's done right. It's been distributed or mailed or packaged or entered into bookeeping. I go home knowing I've done well, and who can ask for more than that?

more later...


Anonymous said...

You have navigated around your office "peeps" without missing a beat! You should be proud of achieving your level of happiness and peace. I am a "Last Minute Louie", so I will scramble at the last minute. Ugh! I promise not to call or show up at your office on Monday.


Shira said...

Don't make me 'lose' your e-file.
: )