
Inhaling pig brains = bad

Everything you never wanted to know about pig brains...and more!
Awww, come on, take a chance.

'A mysterious nerve disorder that hit some slaughterhouse employees with debilitating symptoms apparently was caused by inhaling a fine mist of pig brain tissue.'

Yike! don't tell me there's more?
Too late. There's more.

Let's find out how pig brains are harvested. (nice euphemism, isn't it?)

'State and federal health authorities have said eating pork brains is safe. It's the harvesting method, called "blowing brains," that posed the health risk. In the procedure, high blasts of compressed air were shot into the head cavity to remove the brains. Sometimes the liquid combined with brain tissue and turned into a mist.'

So the story is, a bunch of hapless slaughterhouse workers became sick and it took forever for a few brainiac (heh) doctors to figure it out. Wonder if that ole pig crushin' factory gives insurance benefits to illegals...

But wait! there's a market for Porky the Brain Roast. Where, where?

'The market for pig brain tissue includes the American South, where it's used in dishes such as brains and eggs. It's also sold in some Asian countries, such as Cambodia and China, for various recipes, including stir-fries and stews. The brain tissue processed at QPP was used mainly for export to Asia.'

Ya know, I'm nothing on a Sunday morning until I've had my brains an' eggs.

Read all the fun bits (pun intended) HERE.


Anonymous said...



Shira said...


meesh said...

Ugh. (((shudder)))
Thank you for reconfirming why I'm a vegan. No one shoudl ever have a job where you risk inhaling brain mist. Ever.

Shira said...

to borrow a friend's copyrighted expression,
