
an exercise in values

Do you know what you value? : )

With the New Year approaching, these last weeks of December are a wonderful time to reaffirm what -- and who -- we're grateful for in our lives. It's also a wonderful time to reevaluate how well we are living our dreams, and to make a little course correction if necessary.

I did a terrific exercise that I'd like to share with you, and which I hope you'll find every bit as enlightening as I did.
Divide a clean sheet of paper into two columns.
Answer the following questions until your answers 'dry up.'

"What is important to me in my life?"
"What ELSE is important to me in my life?"
Write your answers down the left side of the paper. Keep going until you can't think of anything else.
Go back to the beginning of the list. Now define whether what you wrote is a MEANS or an END. To figure this out, ask the following question. " What will having this new 'thing' bring me?
For example, you wrote Financial Security. What will financial security bring you? Peace of mind? freedom? For this example you can see that financial security is a means not an end.
Double check your answer by asking the question "what will this thing bring me?" again.
If you can't fine tune it any further, you have your 'end'. Write this on the RIGHT side of the page.
This is your list of values.
Prioritize. : )
What do I value? here are just a few of my answers...
  • freedom
  • peace
  • vitality
  • joy
  • true love
  • connectedness
  • independence
  • personal growth
  • clarity of purpose
  • full engagement in my life
--Merry Christmas to us all, and a Happy New Year--
and May 2009 be the year of our dreams!


family & friends

from my not-so-recent visit to SF...

(1) Allison & Shira
(2) Sister Susan
(so-so photo quality is redeemed by super-cute waiter taking photos...)

animal baguettes!

arggghhh! san francisco be a seafarin' town!


Lots of love, son, on this your TENTH birthday!!
Love, Mom & Dad
((holy cats, when did you get so big?))


Still United

On Thursday, I'll be giving psychic intuitive readings over at LivePerson from 8:45 a.m. EDT until 10:28 a.m. 100% of proceeds from this time period will be donated to the National September 11th Memorial and Museum. If you don't have a membership yet, why not sign up now to take advantage of Thursday's event? Just use my link, ASK AHLIYAH. Namaste!
The divine in me honors the divine in you.

"good Lord (pause) There are no words..."
WNYW anchorman, 10:28 a.m. September 11, 2001, as the North Tower fell


a day with grandma

sailor man Chris

wooden ships


time away

I'm getting ready to make my yearly sabbatical to nowheresville and I couldn't be happier. The school year starts August 25th 'round these parts, and since I have the nanny (STEP ONE in my MAD PLAN) I figure a wee bit o'time off will do me some worry-free good. I also plan to sack out at the pool and have a rip roarin' good time in the mountains. I wonder if that store still has the Chinese alter table...better call first.

Otherwise, I have no other thought in my head than my online business and GETTING THAT JOB.

More later...(stupid economy)


Friendly neighborhood...

black rat snake

More fun with photos...

praying to the bone gods...

fun with mom's camera


the dating...need I say more?
I have deleted Bernard's Letter due to virus warnings.


I think I know how Dopey feels right now : )


I didn't get it. I made it through four interviews and then tanked. Kudos to me for busting hump and then getting a major case of stage fright. 'When one door closes...'
You know the saying. Does it apply when it's been slammed in your face? : )

I had a great interview with a government contractor a while back and remain the tiniest bit optimistic about that. In the meantime?

Nose to the grindstone. G-d seems to want me on the straight and narrow.

More later...


Obviously, everyone's good thoughts helped. My third and final interview is on July 2nd. I'm very encouraged. : )


Okay, so I got the second interview with the phone network! Interview is tomorrow at 9 pst, so please keep a good thought for me!


full moon madness

Greetings from the Freewill Cafe!
I'm back from the west coast and couldn't be more miserable. : )
I had a good visit with friends and family in San Francisco, despite the conspicuous absence of one favorite person. (she knows who she is...hmph) My flights were good, the food was plentiful, and the scenery as expected. Also as expected, most of the time my camera remained perfectly safe in the hotel room, so I have only a few photos of friends, but not one of us all together. Separation is proceeding according to my utter lack of plan, and while this is all a horrible dream I hope to wake up from at some point, I am also filled with that subtle sensation of "I'm doing the right thing." Yeah, I'm just biting the bullet under enormous stress. My baby is clinging, hand holding, and crawling into bed with me at night for comfort. But, we have things to look forward to: elephant yoga (tba later), the summer together and a solo trip to the ocean to cleanse our souls, all the ice cream we can eat, and hopefully, more love than a mom and baby could ever imagine.

My life as a psychic...
I finally did what I've been threatening to do for the last fifteen years and have hung out my psychic readings shingle at LivePerson. I was on another site for a little while without much success, but I have a paycheck coming soon from LP and so am pleased. It's hard sometimes, today being no exception, but I do love it. One caller today got angry (they often do...) because I told him of the positive potentials for a relationship with someone he cares about. Tell them it's doomed, they don't believe you. Tell them it's going to be a wild success, they get...angry? hmm. In any case, I'm enjoying reading live for people, some of whom really need the insight and hand holding, and sometimes that little push on their path, the one that makes them take the risk or step outside themselves. I had the first of three interviews with a well known psychic phone site and hope to hear from them soon. Fingers crossed.

Well, so much for my mini update. More later...
I found out today that if you buy this book for $3,500 your divorce is free.


get to know your local Saggie

Sun Sign: Sagittarius
Sun 12° Sagittarius 43'
Sagittarius Horoscope
for today »
Moon Sign: Virgo
Moon 13° Virgo 13'
Virgo Horoscope
for today »
Rising Sign: Libra
Ascendant 7° Libra 14'
Libra Horoscope
for today »

The Archer is really a centaur -- the lower half is horse, the upper half is a man. The man is holding a bow with an arrow aimed upwards toward the sky. This symbolizes the Sagittarian's drive to overcome basic animal instincts by aiming his thoughts into the divine realms of the heavens. In other words, you Archers are hunting for ideas and experiences that draw you into greater awareness. As such, you Sagittarians tend to love adventure, travel and philosophy -- all ways of extending beyond your immediate surroundings.
Motto: "It is better to know how to learn than to know."

Greatest Strength: Your undying optimistic attitude

Possible Weakness: Glossing over problems or avoiding difficult situations

Libra Rising is a sign of social skill, charm and grace. You approach the world with a distinct sense of harmony, seeking to create an environment in which others feel welcome. Your manner is likely to be quite attractive with a natural sense of style. You often put others first, setting aside own needs until theirs are met. While this is a delightful habit that most people appreciate, it can make it harder to stand up for yourself. Battling for others, for justice and fairness comes easily, but fighting for your own interests may be more difficult for you.
Motto: "Is everybody happy?"

Greatest Strength: Bringing harmony to your environment
Possible Weakness: Unwillingness to deal with confrontation

The Virgin is highly discriminating, but not necessarily as prudish at some might believe. In ancient times, a Virgin was a woman who was not the property of man, and therefore had the legal right to just say "no." Now, in modern times, you Virgos are known for your ability to be highly discriminating. When you are ready, however, to say yes, the laser-like focus of your passion is anything but prudish. Generally, you have a great deal of common sense. But you tend to be tough on yourself, finding flaws that others might overlook. Learning to overlook the small stuff now and then can be good for you.
Motto: "I feel like I can do better."

Greatest Strength: Your ability to analyze your emotions
Possible Weakness: The tendency to be too self-critical


Happy Friday, Everyone

Six days until I have a bona-fide FIFTH GRADER!! Wow do I feel (^%&@#*) old!


Obviously it has been a while since I've posted. Today's post should assure you that I am still alive. Memorial weekend was nice, Chris and I fed the ducks, got a minor sunburn, kicked a soccer ball around, and in general had a good time. For once we had relatively good weather, too.

I'm falling down exhausted right now, still furiously job hunting, working online and earning a few bucks here and there, and in general feeling cruddy. The antidote to this, of course, is my upcoming trip to San Francisco. Can't wait to see everyone, so pour me a pint of pear hard cider and save me a seat at the bar! Anyone up for Moroccan food and belly dancing out in the avenues? Just a warning, I'm bringing summery white clothes which I intend to wear often; if you can't stand to be seen with touristy ole me, take a different cable car. Wheee, travel!

Just a reminder, the Crosby Stills & Nash tickets will be available directly through me, moi, myself, until the last week of June. Then they go back to ticketmaster for sale there. If you want 'em, better get 'em while you can.


a beautiful win by big brown
i just don't get tired of watching this
: )


little boys and Friday Fun

So Wednesday night, my son took a header on his bicycle while experimenting with 'no hands'. The result was a fractured finger and basic hideous cuts and bruises. Miraculously, he didn't hit his un-helmeted head. When asked about the accident and his future interest in trying the maneuver again, he said, "aww, mom, it didn't work because I wasn't going fast enough."
So I've got ::that:: to look forward to. Next week we'll visit the orthopedist (sp?) and see what he/she has to say. For the time being Chris is glumly wearing a splint.

Most of you have received my new cell phone number, and I would like to encourage you to use it to contact me going forward. (you have my thanks for being such great supportive, loving friends. you guys ROCK!) My job hunt is going excellently well and I'm encouraged. I've applied to numerous positions that I'm excited about and which will pay me a living wage. I'm interested in switching industries, if not careers, and am looking at health and non-profit to hedge against the rapidly declining financial field. There are some awesome openings out there, and I'm working toward getting one of them to come to me. I began looking for apts last week, and was surprised to find there are several locally that are beautiful and affordable. Keeping fingers crossed on all fronts as I move forward. It's hard starting over. Next stop, NannyVille.

Summer approaches, and while there likely won't be any major fun expensive vacations in the works I am at least counting on taking a long weekend alone at some point. Oh, and my roses are in bloom. Photos to be posted later when the gloom of this rain passes by us. It's been a whole week of bad weather, leaky powder room ceiling, and flooded garden. Yuck. I could use a bout of sunshiny weather.

Happy weekend to all.

for m.r., who knows...


Top Ten Reasons to book a Spa Package on Mother's Day

10. Macaroni necklace doesn't match your outfit.
9. whining and crying lasts until the kids join in
8. no pink in sight
7. wrestling match over wearing collared shirt hurts my back
6. restaurant doesn't carry enough fire insurance
5. obligatory card from dog
4. two words: chin hair
3. buffet eats purportedly inspired by new Jeffrey Dahmer cookbook
2. the Brazilian hurts less

and, the number one reason to book a spa package on Mother's Day...

1. all those tasty cucumbers

Happy Mother's Day, all!


Why I Detest Sprint

Here is an abbreviated transcript of my webchat with Sprint PCS. I called to change my cell phone number.

12:23:29 p.m.
Session Started with Agent (OpeaviaT)
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Opeavia. How may I assist you today?"
Shira *: I'd like to change my phone number to a local #.
Agent (OpeaviaT): I'll be glad to assist you. One moment while I access your account.
Shira *: Thank you. : )

(I begin humming, 'Henry the Eighth I am I am, Henry the Eighth I am'...)

Agent (OpeaviaT): For account verification, may I please have the 6-10 digit pin number on the account or could you please answer your security question for me?
Shira *: pin is XXX

Agent (OpeaviaT): I will be right with you.
Agent (OpeaviaT): Which number you want changed?
Shira *: the _ number
Agent (OpeaviaT): I apologize for the delay. I will be with you momentarily to program the phone."
Shira *: Okay, thank you. I'll go get my phone. : )

Agent (OpeaviaT): Is there a different area code in your local area from what you have now?
Shira *: Yes, the cell phones have a _ area code
Agent (OpeaviaT): The are codes that I have is 718, 917 and 347.
Shira *: I live in Maryland.
Agent (OpeaviaT): Which area code are you wanting use?
Shira *: XXX or whatever corresponds to my local area
Agent (OpeaviaT): Thank you. One moment.

(one moment took several minutes. i made coffee, had a cigarette, let the dog out, and did some paper shredding in my office)

Agent (OpeaviaT): Again I apologize for the delay. Make sure the phone is on the main screen showing the time and date.
Shira *: It is.
Agent (OpeaviaT): Press ##
Agent (OpeaviaT): Press the OK key. Svc Menu will appear on the phone display.
Agent (OpeaviaT): Using the scroll-down key, scroll down to highlight Edit and press the OK key. NAM CDMA along with Phone Number appears.
Shira *: "I press OK the first time and get my programmed phone list
Agent (OpeaviaT): Are you able to move to the next step. (with all my heart)
Agent (OpeaviaT): "?"

Shira *: "No"
Shira *: "There is no Svc Menu"

Agent (OpeaviaT): What type of phone do you have ?
Shira *: V1660 by Samsung

(several minutes pass. i'm twirling around in my executive chair shouting Wheee! I hate Sprint)

Agent (OpeaviaT): lets start over by pressing ##

(oh, great. starting over means i have time to surf the net for a burial plot)

Agent (OpeaviaT): Press the OK key. Svc Menu will appear on the phone display.
Shira *: "AHA!"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Using the scroll-down key, scroll down to highlight Edit and press the OK key. NAM CDMA along with Phone Number appears."
Shira *: "yes"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Enter 917 and press the OK key. NAM along with MSID appears."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Enter (your phone #) and press the OK key. The display will show the SVC Menu."

(hold the phone!)

Shira *: "I thought 917 was a NY area code?"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "The area codes is based on your billing address."
Shira *: "My billing address is in Maryland, not NY."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "That is correct ."

(frustration mounts)

Shira *: "I want a Maryland phone number. We don't have a billing address in NYC."
Agent (OpeaviaT): These are codes that I have 718, 917 and 347.

Shira *: Please escalate this call. I should be able to change my phone number and not pay NY taxes when I live and am billed in MD. You (and the computer system) should be able to see that we live and are billed in MD.

Agent (OpeaviaT): The system generates the information however if you want a 718 area code I will make the change.
Shira *: No! I want a phone number that is local to where I actually live, with a prefix of XXX.
(now I get smart)
Shira *: Tell me what billing address you have for me.

Agent (OpeaviaT): "We have (deleted). One moment while we fix this issue."
Shira *: "Yes, that address is correct."

Agent (OpeaviaT): "May I have a land line number in the area code that you are requesting?"
Shira *: "What do you mean a land line # - do you mean my home telephone number?"

Agent (OpeaviaT): "yes that is correct."
Shira *: "it is XXX"

Agent (OpeaviaT): "All right your new number is XXX."
Shira *: "Yayyy!"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Are you ready to program this number to this phone?"
Shira *: "Yes!" (umm, no, lets chat some more while my kid grows up and marries)

Agent (OpeaviaT): "Press ##
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Press the OK key. Svc Menu will appear on the phone display."
Shira *: "my phone shut off - one moment"
Shira *: "ok"
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Using the scroll-down key, scroll down to highlight Edit and press the OK key. NAM CDMA along with Phone Number appears."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Please put for the MDN."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Please put for the MSID."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "Then Scroll down to down to Done."
Agent (OpeaviaT): "How did this work for you today?"
Shira *: Seems to be great.

The call began at 12:23:29 p.m and ended at 1:48:50 p.m.
This constitutes one hour and thirty minutes of my life that I can never get back.

Have you had a run-in with Sprint's famous service? let's hear about it!


More writerly conundrums

A post was made at one of my favorite writing websites, which detailed the story of an anonymous author who became demonstrably angry with her companions at a restaurant.

What bothered me about this tale and the ensuing 87 comments, was this quote made by one of the moderators:

'My point in posting blind items was to point out that any author, even namelessly, makes the writing community look poorly as a whole with poor behavior. '

This was my comment back:

I'm surprised to hear you say that. I disagree, utterly.
If my son is a jerk at a restaurant it does not mean I'm either an asshole or a poor
mother. I do *not* represent mothers as a whole. Author 'A' does not represent Author 'B' any more than Tom Cruise could represent actors in general. Besides, I've never even BEEN on Oprah, so there.

My point is, I'm not about to walk the world worried about "representing" Nora Roberts, any more than I expect HER to represent me. I hope to Good Bitchery Above that there are others like me out there. Otherwise I'd hate to live in such a narrow world.

Writers, friends, authors. What do you think? Does one writer represent ALL? Or are we capable of being responsible for ourselves?

IMHO, if we are not capable, then we must all at this VERY moment agree to NEVER again purchase a romance novel, chick-lit, or any book with romantic overtones because the cause of romance writing has been ruined by this author's behavior.


Get your Colin on

or just get on Colin.



our resident mourning dove taking a break from building her nest

frisbee makes for a tired puppy

ooh! pick me, pick me!

happy to be relaxing

(maybe not my best photographic moment)

azaleas in bloom
Sometimes, nothing serves us better than a simple good time.


Thursday woes

I'm ashamed to admit I've been surfing the web and cannot find anything of interest to put down here. Could it be true that George Bush is taking a day off from ruining our country? That no singers or actors have been arrested or have checked into rehab? That Uranus is spinning on its side with no let-up in sight?

You Tube! I'll go to You Tube. Surely someone got naked over there and didn't realize they were being filmed. Back soon...

Whew! Ya know, it's a good thing you can always count on Bush.


widget me

I'm hoping someone can direct me to a free mp3 widget for my blog. I am the last of the great non-techies, and am having a terrible time with this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Survey Notes

Thanks to all who participated in my little survey, What is the sexiest thing you've ever seen? at All of the responses were wonderful, some intriguing, some simply beautiful.

So, what is sexy? Here's a quick snapshot.

Waking up to a man sketching me while I slept then joining in a good morning kiss!
(holy crap that's sexy! hope he wasn't a stalker)

I once saw a small concert for two mandolin players, a man and a woman. There was one piece specially written for four hands, and so the man sat behind the woman and put his arms around her to reach the mandolin. The whole piece was very sensual.
(that has a rich gooey center)

I went to a ball in Vienna, which is pretty damn sexy anyway - think Imperial Castle, wonderful music, long, low cut gowns, men in tuxes...we went in a group but I ended up spending the night dancing with this one guy, who moved so naturally to the music I was just blown away!
(wow! ancient castles and men in tuxes. mee-ow!)

A college professor, usually very buttoned-up, who I visited one day in his office. His tie was loosened and his shirt sleeves rolled. The memory of those exposed forearms still gives me chills.
(ahh, hot college days...a league of their own)

(this one, for the exquisite use of "man-panther")
I have to go right back to what made me think about sexy in the first place (geekiness to follow...): Darth Maul. That's pure man-panther...or alien panther. It actually comes down to the smooth, control of the body, but weapon wielding martial-arts aspect is somewhat important as well. Combine that with intensity of gaze and predatory stalking of another man, and I'm done. The end.

I'm so with her on intensity of gaze. Verry sexy! For myself, in addition to my oh-so-memorable tea experience, I'd have to add the fantasy of Jack Sparrow (with better teeth) calling me 'luv.' ::G:: But of course that's fantasy, not reality, which always has dibs on sexy.

Thanks again for participating, friends, and keep a weather eye for my next probing survey or poll soon.

ps: i didn't change punctuation or context on these. any and all errors in the cut and paste are mine.


Happy Birthday to friend Allison, who is on the cusp of Aries and Taurus. Hope it's a magical year!

The desire for advancement, both personal and career-wise, could cause you to consider the possibility of furthering your education in some way, dear Aries. Someone close to you, probably a woman, could wake you up to the advantages of returning to school and getting an advanced degree. You may want to wait a little bit before actually deciding, but something has shifted within you, and it's time for some kind of change. Be prepared!
(Aries? UN-prepared. NOT.)

Today you're apt to be a bit preoccupied. You might find yourself considering some concepts that others might consider strange and impractical, dear Taurus. This might involve the study of metaphysics or the occult, or unusual ways of making a living, or both. You might want to discuss this with others. However, you should make a decision based on your own preferences without influence from those who aren't directly involved.
(Talkin' bout the taurus, talk about stubborn)

Matters involving creativity, romance, and children could require some considerable thought today, dear Leo. Some exciting new options may be available to you and your loved ones, and you might be inclined to mull over the possibilities. You might consult others to get a second opinion. For the most part, you'll want to decide on your own what's best at this time. In the meantime, you could keep yourself occupied by working on ongoing projects.
(Leo. Heh. ROAR! oh shit. ROAR! oh shit)

Contemplation is the keyword for today. At some point, you might receive a phone call from a friend wanting some advice on a serious decision he or she needs to make. Don't be surprised, however, if you spend more time listening than advising, dear Aquarius. Goals of your own might need some thought and possible re-evaluation, as changes in your immediate environment could be presenting new and exciting possibilities to you.


Today you might be considering entering into a business partnership of some sort with a relative or neighbor. This could well show promise of success, dear Libra, and is definitely worthy of serious consideration. You'll want to be sure it's right for you, so caution is recommended. You might even get around to considering the nitty gritty ins and outs of a possible agreement, but for the most part, it isn't likely that you'll be making any final decisions just yet.
(ya gotta love Libra for their endless thinking, weighing, and plotting. here's a million dollars, Libra, tax free. "hmm, should I take it? how will it change me if I do? if I don't, do I continue on the same path or choose something else? then, what if...")


A partnership of some kind, perhaps business, perhaps romantic, is likely to be on your mind today. You might want to seriously consider whether it has a future, and if it does, what you should do next. You might spend some time socializing, dear Sagittarius, but your mind may be too preoccupied to participate much. A lot of serious decisions need to be made, and the outcome is likely to be positive. Try to relax and have some fun.
(as if having fun would be hard for a Sag)

A lot of serious matters are on your mind, perhaps involving plans for the future, so it's likely that you'll want to stay home today and do a lot of contemplating. Various new opportunities may be coming your way, dear Capricorn, and you won't want to let them pass you by without seriously considering them. Chores around the house and yard could prove a valuable outlet for physical energy while allowing thoughts to churn in your mind.
(Capricorn? serious?)


Friday Fun, part deux

Now and then, the personals and especially 'missed connections' at Craigslist provide a hoot and two hollers. Just for a laugh, this time I tried on a few familiar locations, including Sierra Vista AZ and San Francisco. What a difference a thousand miles makes. SV had nothing listed, so I have concluded the town is too small to miss any connections. Only a weird complaint about Taco Bell appeared, and an offer from a couple moving to Bisbee looking for...I'm not really sure what they want, but there you have it. A few posts seemed to be students in town just fer the ro-DAY-o, lookin' fer a lil night time action without crossing the border. I suddenly feel the urge to buy a chihuahua. Yo quiero Taco Bell.
Enjoy this sample.

I will be here for a few more day, I leave on friday and I am looking for a woman who wants to come over to my hotel at America's Best Inn and just have a great time getting recieving soem great oral. Please send pic.

Anyone recognize this student? I'm assuming he's learning debriefing since he gives great oral. And send pic? Send pic of what?

Now, this one in San Francisco is looking for...
Fun, down to earth, sane chick seeking stable, funny, tall, not too old man for actual dates and possibly a relationship. NOT looking for a one night stand. Must be funny, manly, mentally and financially secure and motivated.
WTF is a purportedly sane chick doing in the Castro looking for a man?

This one gets my Pick of the Day award.

Jasmine flowers at the Converge / Genghis Tron / Baroness show
Thanks for the aromatic entertainment. I'd have stayed to find out how you know that unicorns aren't red inside, but I had to catch the Bart. Did you ever pick out a shirt?

Friday Fun, part the first

( from Clinch Covers Contest, courtesy of Smart Bitches Trashy Books)
mm, mmm. just look at those manly pecs and that no-frizz mullet


Tuesday retreat

Today I'm abandoning humanity in favor of a little silence and personal space. Two weeks of frenetic activity has caught up to me; errands, eternal trips in the car, which always wear me out, physical therapy and the demands of stuff in general have sent me into my cave. Don't bother knocking. I'm not coming out.

I found a tree guy for our overgrown and falling down yard, but no landscaper. This issue goes on and on, like that of finding ' good domestic help '. I don't know what the problem is in this area, but I've concluded that landscapers are only one step above WalMart executives. A slight step.

My office is finally getting its makeover! We've decided on which wall we're going to build a custom closet (30x120) and I'm leafing through paint samples, and hanging drapes, my World Trade Center prints and my much-loved map of London.
Our dresser arrived (a real live adult dresser with mirror, woo-HOO) so we've moved the highboys into my office, which works well and actually gives us extra storage space for clothing. My filing cabinet arrived, too, so I can now store bills and all the manuscripts that will never see the light of day again. I've labeled, filed, and reorganized every scrap of paper in the house and have a new system whereby pending bills will go into a cubby above my desk, so that I don't have to look at them cluttering the dining table while I try to eat what I've cooked. *This* is a big deal. If you've been to my house, then you have seen the interminable stacks of paperwork dominating every surface. It's driven me ape shit for years. I am happy to say I can now return to my former state of sanity.

I purchased good tickets to see Crosby Stills & Nash this summer, but instead of seeing them at Wolf Trap it looks like we're driving to Charlottesville. Funny thing about these tickets. Hubby is being cornered into taking a ten week course and this means, dependant on the exact start date (undetermined - gov't, go figure), that I may be going to the show alone.

Anyone interested in seeing CSN with me? C'mon, hippies; don't be shy. I'll wear tie dye, if it makes you feel better to be seen with geeky ole me. I'll even put flowers in my hair and try not to cry loudly during Helplessly Hoping. (disclaimer: I said try)


Super Sunday

Who the hell is Harlan Ellison?

Hear this -er - outspoken author's rant. In the meantime, I'm going to belly-crawl into my office and consider what I've done to lower the prestige of decent writers. sob!!
WARNING!! bad words...bad..very bad


How 'The Devil Wears Prada' changed me

or, the power of the makeover in the scale of Life.

From the moment I saw The Devil Wears Prada, my life took on a brighter hue. It was more than the energy, which Prada has in abundance, certainly more than the fabulous clothes and the divine performances by Stanley Tucci and Meryl Streep. Yet as I watched the credits roll, I couldn’t find the source of my high spirits. In truth, the ending sucked; pat, Hollywood, improbable. One is to fight the good fight, write for the Post and commute to see the boyfriend. One is not to be successful in a superficial industry dedicated to **gasp!** money.

Yet there I sat, jazzed, intrigued, enlightened. By Prada??

It’s taken me months to figure out the source of my delight.

Stanley Tucci, cast as art director Nigel at fictional Runway magazine, delivers a catalytic speech to main character Andrea. It's become one of my favorite quotes; I'll never forget it.

“Don’t you know that you are working at the place that published some of the greatest artists of the century? Halston. Lagerfeld. de la Renta. And that what they did, what they...created, was greater than art. Because you live your life in it.”

This was where the map of my life took an important little turn, had I but known it.

Madonna’s Vogue provides the acoustic backdrop to a montage of stunning wearable art – designer samples that Nigel gives Andrea along with a makeover, and which give her the impetus she needs to succeed. ‘Beauty’s where you find it,’ Madonna croons, pouring energy into the image of an industry that long has been both worshipped and reviled. Nigel’s dry yet passionate delivery lends credence to it all. He made me believe.

Madonna found her beauty in music. It is to Coco Chanel’s shrewd beauty that we owe the little black dress and bellbottoms. Others find theirs in design, the arts, teaching.

Where was my beauty? where was my art?

And so I began to notice what was, not the lost maps to a future I couldn’t claim as mine.
I thought about it, even took that career personality test at (I recommend Tickle; try the Ayurvedic nutrition test).

As I mentioned before, the results intrigued me; architect, film editor, graphic or interior designer. Most produced excitement, but nothing jelled. I talked to people, friends, acquaintances, but more importantly, I listened to what I was saying to them. I looked around, my home, my yard, the world, and at last found the thread that linked that subtle elusive beauty –- that art -- to me. It was the reason we moved to Maryland three years ago. It has been with me all along; spread across my bookshelves, in the artwork and prints that adorn my walls, even in the curved legs on my sofa.

History. Writing about history; design; architecture; artifacts; the color and fabric of Lady Steffington’s second-day dress! The beautiful Paca House and its architectural symmetry (they thought that symmetry brought them closer to G-d.) and lord knows, PoyRITS! All those wonderful, useless facts that tend to bore the masses. But not me.

And so, as I find my way into academia and look forward to an honors course (fingers crossed) in historic preservation, I know I’ll look back occasionally and smile a grateful smile.

Will I be wearing Prada? Jeez, I hope so.


Woman, thy name be clown

In one of those brilliant, clownish manuevers I fell into the front door while trying to enter my abode. I slammed my left shoulder into the steel door, fell forward, slipped, wrenched my back, pulled a muscle in my thigh, then bounced BACK into the screendoor, which slammed me in the ass.

I've set my chiropracty back two weeks. Oh, I can deal with another week of pain to be sure. What kills is the rampant embarrassment that goes with the fall. When you act the clown you immediately wonder who saw it and how stupid it really looked.
I remember falling in the street in downtown San Francisco, having tripped over the cable car tracks. I saw the hand of my rescuer appear directly in front of my face. When I took note of his, he was grinning. "Yeah, I've taken a header down here, too," he said, righting me. "You get a 'ten' for style." Then he walked away.

Thank god for the Olympics. Oh, and while I'm on the subject, SF'ers, get off the street and let the damned torch pass.

I'll post tomorrow if I can sit upright. My son suggested I buy LifeAlert.

'the moral equivalent of insider trading'
~Ralph Peters, Lt. Colonel (Ret)

If you haven't seen Robert Greenwald's 2006 documentary, Iraq for Sale: War Profiteers, beg borrow or rent a copy. Contaminated water, the burning of equipment in burn pits (such as flat beds with a flat tire), empty supply convoys billed to the US government, and Halliburton's no-bid contract are all topics covered in this riveting ninety minute documentary.
For those of you who are interested in visiting, I've added CorpWatch to my list of NONPAREILS, at right.



Would you download
a meatloaf recipe
from someone whose
e-handle is

How 'bout a recipe called "Korean Hamburger"? I think I'll opt out of that one.
Speaking of opting out, there has been great response for my survey at Poll Daddy, but a few shy blogophiles peeked at the question, and then bailed, not leaving a response, thereby skewing my numbers.
Now, I've deleted the blank testaments to the scary world of 'is it anonymous or can she see me?' and am giving all the go ahead. I honestly cannot see your name, addy, height weight or shoe size. And if you're reading my blog, I can't imagine you're afraid to answer the question.
G'head. You can do it. I'm interested in what you have to say
((hug)) ((hug))




It's Survey Sunday, your one in a million chance to share.

I've set up a single revealing question for you at my account at Poll Daddy. It's anonymous and completely secret until I decide to post results.

Go on; give it a try. You have nothing to lose and you'll be doing an ex-romance writer an enormous favor.



I ran across this at Astrocenter and found it amusing. Find your AstroBoss - or yourself - here.

Aries:(March 20 - April 19)
Your Aries boss is a fireball endowed with inexhaustible energy. While giving you your marching orders, he or she may also be reading e-mail and answering the phone. A quick decision-maker, Aries knows how to endow leadership with a personal touch. What you need to impress your Aries boss: good grooming, an alert demeanor (no yawning!), an ability to admit your mistakes, sincerity rather than empty flattery, and enthusiasm for working overtime.

Taurus:(April 20 - May 20)
Taurus has plenty of stamina and a flawless sense of organization. Willing to stretch a deadline if you need more time, this boss is a comforting presence rather than a dragon. But he or she wants detailed estimates and loathes improvisation on a job. Your Taurus boss wants plain talk about any problem that is worrying you, evidence that you are cost-effective (you earn more for the company than they pay you), and respect for professional discretion.

Gemini:(May 21 - June 20)
The Gemini boss is always on the move and always chattering via every means possible: cell phone, e-mail, or videotaped presentation. He or she haunts the hallways hoping to hear the latest jokes and then rushes off to tell them to others. Your Gemini boss unconsciously seeks unpredictability, faster-than-lightning efficiency, an able hand with the latest Web technology, and the capacity to improvise.

Cancer:(June 21 - July 21)
Your dear, sweet Cancer boss may secretly doubt him- or herself. The family photo is well in evidence on his or her desk, and you always will get concern for you and your family. Moreover, Cancer tries hard to make the office atmosphere comfortable and cozy. Your Cancer boss wants someone to go fishing with occasionally who stays out of the way when a bad mood strikes, and who respects schedules. Never argue once he or she has made a firm decision.

Leo:(July 22 - August 22)
Leo is a born leader, a star people naturally admire. Endowed with charisma, your Leo boss can purr a command and obtain instant obedience. A healthy dose of personal ambition inspires him or her to conduct business with pride and efficiency. You will fare best through flattery, applause, and blind obedience, by taking pride in your own personal appearance, and by being willing to give him or her credit for your ideas. Never challenge your Leo boss in public or upstage his or her performance.

Virgo:(August 23 - September 22)
Despite the low profile, your Virgo boss is amazingly efficient. Always reasonable and in total control emotionally, he or she appreciates projects that run on schedule, without the need for much supervision. Order reigns supreme. What your Virgo boss wants from you is punctuality, a tidy desk, respect for schedules and deadlines, an ability to stay within budget, impeccable manners.

Libra:(September 23 - October 22)
Your Libra boss is sociable and fair-minded. A bit of a flirt, he or she always has a kind word for everyone and enjoys coffee breaks with employees. Your boss may often ask for your opinion, because of an unfortunate and incurable tendency to be wishy-washy. To get along with your Libra boss, you should be tactful, fair to your coworkers, and willing to play tennis at lunchtime. Smile as much as is humanly possible.

Scorpio:(October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio takes an almost perverse enjoyment in wielding power and authority. Fortunately, he or she also is logical and determined and a very efficient manager. To get along, never engage in a clash of wills. Always admire his or her worth, show initiative, and tolerate his or her excessiveness. Above all, trust in Scorpio's amazing intuition.

Sagittarius:(November 22 - December 20)
Sagittarius is an inveterate optimist with folksy good humor. No problem is too big for your Sag boss to solve. If the team succeeds, the profits are shared out fairly. What this boss wants from you is respect for underlings, warmth and good-heartedness, enthusiasm, trust in others, an ability to express ideas, and unsinkable morale, regardless of what happens.

Capricorn:(December 21 - January 18)
Your Capricorn boss works like a slave and demands that you do the same. He or she has absolutely no compunctions about asking you to meet impossible deadlines. What he or she is unconsciously seeking in an employee is punctuality in every way, flawless honesty, and an ability to work at the speed of light. This boss loathes malicious gossip in the office and leisurely lunch breaks, both of which waste valuable time.

Aquarius:(January 19 - February 17)
Your Aquarius boss is a visionary. Cutting-edge technologies are second nature to the Water Bearer, who comes up with a new idea everyday and often hankers to rearrange the office. You'll impress your Aquarius boss if you are teeming with ideas, assertive in your opinions (even if they contradict his or hers), courteous, and open to dialogue.

Pisces:(February 18 - March 19)
The Pisces boss is sensitive and moody. Although he or she sometimes has trouble expressing ideas verbally, Pisces will demand unswerving loyalty. For some reason, his or her mysterious logic is always profitable. Expect sudden reversals of opinion. To get along, you should agree, accept his or her flashes of intuition without explanation, and be available at all times.


I'd rather clean toilets...

I ended my post on Saturday with the question, Who could ask for more than that?

I'm asking for more than that. Pardon me while I eat crow.

This morning my son ran to the mailbox and in an unusual gesture brought me the local newspaper just as I was leaving for work. I now consider this an obvious omen.

I admit I've been struggling at work. Oh I was prepped to deal with the demands of tax season; anyone who has ever picked up their taxes from an accountant can see the strain on everyone's faces. That's not what I'm talking about. Indulge me.

The world is the way it is; relationships, work, traffic, child rearing, lines at the grocery store/bank/movie theatre. Day to day life in general.
I get it.
But I still have to ask, what is it inside some human beings that makes them think it appropriate to vent their frustrations on the nearest person? how does one's so-called business 'style' grow over time from 'happy naive business owner' to 'complete and utter asshole'? My boss may be all dat but I"m certain there isn't a bag of chips in sight.

I'd use the term mein kampf here but i'd hate for the fbi to tag my blog. (I'm just a homemaker!)

Anyone remember the movie scene when Bridget Jones tells boss Daniel Cleaver that she'd rather wipe Saddam Hussein's arse than work for him? Hm. good girl. Me too.

Back to my struggle to understand human nature.

See, it's not just the stress, the angry clients storming out of the office, angry hang ups, the total lack of understanding that Gary can't come out of his office every time a client arrives, or that I'm suspected of being incapable of accepting an e-file document in case I lose it, thus screwing up someone's life. Nor any of the other hundred ridiculous stresses that I managed beautifully these last two weeks.

It's the latitude that my boss gives himself to be a royal shit -- because it's tax season.
Well, it was tax season for me, too, this year. I didn't crit anyone's work in public. I didn't storm out of a cave demanding to know what my receptionist just told a client about our business hours when he's never once been clear about it, despite asking.

And of course he tried to launch the 'you are so unprofessional' tirade when I told him I was quitting. Well, at least he didn't get away with it. He's supposed to be leading the office and the most he's done is behave in a way that makes me question whether he's got all his light bulbs screwed in. I busted hump and am proud of the work I did. There.

So, back to the job hunt. For now though, I'm going to go eat my lunch. It's a turkey club sandwich with bacon and lots of yummy mayonnaise. And just for today I'm giving myself a 45 minute break.
just found this in my email inbox. Heh.

April 1, 2008
Insurance Processor
Administrative/Clerical Data Processing Insurance
Highly Automated Insurance office needing to fill two Part time positions. We have flexible hours, you tell us when you want to work and we will work around your schedule!! Mornings, Afternoons, Nights, Weekends, 3-4 hours a day or 8 hour days 2-3 days a week, YOU TELL US WHAT YOU CAN WORK!! Must have basic office and computer skills and a high willingness to learn. We are willing to teach anyone our system!!! NO INSURANCE EXPERIENCE NEEDED!!! Potential for advancement and more money for the right person. Please stop by the office to fill out an application. Bring your resume and be prepared for a possible interview and we will be glad to go over the job specifications.

Company Name:
Sierra Vista Insurance Agency Inc
Sierra Vista
Immediately Part Time.
$8.00 per hour


Into the Wild

Since I'm home today with a sick little boy, I thought I'd spend a few minutes posting. Wonder if I'll get canned for excessive absenteeism? Any takers?


I am not now THAT which I have been.
~Lord Byron

Into the Wild
Monumental act of egotism or unquenchable fire of the spirit?

The true story of Christopher McCandless’s solo trek into the Alaskan wild provides a fascinating cinematic look into a very short, very tragic life. On the surface one can see Chris’s motivation to become a leather tramp as escapism from affluence and a total rejection of the poorly pieced fragments of a broken home. But Sean Penn’s screenwriting goes deeper, managing to give one a more objective glimpse into the heart of an adventurous spirit.

After graduating from university, Chris donates all his money, cuts up his ID, and abandons his shot at Harvard Law and his family to roam the country. He demonstrates a remarkable amount of courage in the pursuit of his dream, although one can hardly call this familial cruelty courageous since he never contacts them again - not even sister Carine, a kindred spirit in every sense of the word.
Throughout his journey he meets a handful of special people whom he also ultimately abandons for the call of the road.

This denial of personal involvement is an impossible proposition; he forms relationships with those he meets, whether he acknowledges it or not, and these friends come to love him in their way. In fact, his presence in their lives is so moving they fairly plead with him to stay. Since he leaves them anyway, it begs the question, does he understand people at all?

His adventures are many, varied, funny, and tragic. I'm amazed he didn't succumb to injury or death much faster than he did during his two year odyssey.

McCandless’s final friendship with elderly widower Ron is the most touching and Hal Holbrook delivers a masterful performance. Eddie Vedder’s soundtrack is poignant and moving, but what makes this film truly special is the honesty of Chris’s yearning for enlightenment and solitude.

Fascinating scenery, a riveting story, and the question of whether selfishness or the heart’s quest for freedom motivates McCandless makes Into the Wild an indelible film experience.
As it has been said, uncompromising men are easy to admire. Being uncompromising, however, does not make one admirable.

At the end, McCandless makes a final entry into his journal. You’ll have to read the book or see the film to discover whether he found an answer in the wild, or not.
You decide.

An ‘A’, for a great story, well done.


It's called spinal stenosis, and as my generation says, it sucks. But at least I have some answers to my back pain. Osteoarthritis in my L5 and S1 vertebrae is causing excessive bone growth in other vertebrae, which is closing the spinal canal. There's also evidence of calcification in the pectoral area, which is the answer to my 'chest pain' issue.

Fortunately aging is not the main cause, although it's a contributor. As I've always known, my right leg is longer than the left, by 9 millimeters. This throws off the pelvis, causing strain and pressure on the back, which over time has resulted in degeneration and stenosis.

At least I have my health.

I owe all this wonderful information to my chiropractor, Dr. Jim Landauer, who insisted I have xrays upon hearing that my regular doctors refused this simple diagnostic tool. Does this remind anyone of Michael Moore's SiCKO? Two xrays, without using my insurance, cost me about seventy bucks. Thanks, Dr. Jim. You rule.

click PLAY for the SiCKO extra about 9/11 workers and the promised national healthcare.

Other medical news, doggy style

Our darling Lab, Licorice, has a rapid growth lump on her side that was initially thought to be an abscess. Friday we visited our vet for follow-up, and the lump is larger, not smaller as hoped, and is not softening the way the vet suggested it should with treatment. When the vet couldn't remove fluid from the lump she concluded it is not an abscess. She has never before said the words, "due to her age, I'm very worried. we have to do a biopsy"

Two samples were taken, and we'll have the biopsy results Tuesday or Wednesday.
Our sweetheart, Licorice; such a face!
In the meantime, she's on anti-inflammatory drugs, pain killers, and antibiotics. She's doing more tail wagging now that we've added the painkillers and is behaving a bit more like her usual friendly, overactive self.
Please keep a good thought for our girl.
A great MSN article, 13 Women Who Make Us Cringe. Enjoy!


Cherry Blossom Festival
March 29 - April 13
Washington, DC

Also true and correct

The week is over and I can't say enough how relieved I am. Irate clients, begging for last minute appointments, showed up in droves Friday and I gleefully, if stoically, turned them all away. There simply is no time left in my boss's schedule for last minute Louies.

Take that, you procrastinating non-tax-filing...guys.

Everyone in the office is stressed out which makes my day rather interesting. I have managed to take the high road in all situations and haven't let either clients or co-workers destroy my inner Zen. It's been tough, no doubt about it; I've been pissed off more times than George Bush has been confused by his job description. Wait, you mean I'm the President?
In an interesting twist, my co-workers seem determined to find out if I'm going to lose control the way they have over the last two weeks. They're waiting for it, watchful, intrigued. They can't seem to process Why is Shira so darned calm and composed? while the phones are ringing off the hook, clients are screaming, the boss is snarking big time and new tax folders are piling up. What's my secret?


I know that Tax Season 07 will end; they don't seem to realize this basic fact. No one will die. No heads will actually turn 360 degrees, nor will green vomit spew from anyone's pie hole.
the piglet must die.

Sorry. Loss of control.

My boss can snark all he likes about the way I make appointments; oh yes, he did! but he's not going to get under my skin with blanket statements. If he has a beef he can bloody well lay it out specifically or crawl back into his office and hide from clients a little more.
It appears I've grown that thick skin I've heard so much about. I still smile throughout my day, ignore the darkling looks from co-workers, perform excellently well, and take criticism with a grain of salt. Hey, my work is done at the end of the day. It's done right. It's been distributed or mailed or packaged or entered into bookeeping. I go home knowing I've done well, and who can ask for more than that?

more later...


Meet Ricky the Alligator (bag)

Would you pay $16,995 USD for this poor fellow?
(Ralph Lauren says, Inspired by a vintage Cooper saddle carrier, our stunning luxury Ricky bag is crafted from exquisite American alligator and finished with custom Italian hardware. )

would you carry your wallet in this one?



Taxes and the Common Dolt

After working this week, I'm finding it hard to come up with anything coherent to write. Bear with me.

Overall, I've concluded that work sucks away my creativity. When once ideas flowed, humor was rampant, and the blog a gay place to put down all my devilish thoughts, now I can think only of how busy Monday will be and how many tax infants will want me to hold their incapable hands until April 15th. I'm feeling a little burnt out.

I don't think I understood how not-savvy people can be about their own finances, and how little they seem to care about this critical lack of education. Perhaps I knew, and only forgot. In any case, now I am getting the dose of full frontal stupidity that I guess I deliberately forgot existed in the realm of the masses. As it has been said, A person is intelligent; people are stupid thoughtless sheep.

I just have to say that if you dropped off your taxes for processing one week ago there is every likelihood that they have not yet been done. It's simple. There are fifty people in front of you. If you didn't make an appointment to meet with your CPA, you go into the queue in the order you arrived.

You are not special.
You are not more important than the lady who dropped her taxes off yesterday.
You will not be bumped ahead because you have been a client for five years.

This is the way it is. Please don't call me angrily twice next week shouting WE CAN'T HAVE AN EXTENSION! I don't care. I don't process your taxes. I just move them around the office. I will not put you through to the boss, who already works from 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily. If I do let you talk to him someone else's taxes will be delayed, and that means so will yours.

These are the dilemmas of my current job until April 15. This, and the fact that we do need your social security number to file your taxes. You can't keep it a secret and still file. So please, don't berate me about giving out this "secret" information to your CPA.
Don't make me arrange an audit.

Having said that, please don't stop by the office to ask me 'just a few quick questions' about your filing. I don't know that you had capital gains, nor do I know what that means for your 07 tax picture. I don't care that you sold your condo in Myrtle Beach, adopted a child, inherited a piece of property on Guam, or retired. I can't advise you on your 401k or tell you what the markets are going to do next. All I know is that I'm real glad I no longer work for Bear Stearns.

If you're a last minute Louie, don't give me a rash of sh*t about missing the March 31 deadline for guaranteed completion by April 15. *This* is patently not my problem. Also not my problem, The Patriot Act (yes, it's true) prevents me from telling you over the phone whether you are getting a refund or paying a shortfall. If you are paying, I will not immediately call my boss to come talk to you about why you are paying, or discuss your suspicion that he screwed up your filing on purpose just cuz he thought it was funny.

Oh, and remember that monthly newsletter your CPA sends out with handy information about tax law changes? If you can't take the time to read it eleven months of the year, please don't ask me whether it affects you or not in March.

I certify the above is true and correct.

Your humble tax servant,


you're invited to my pity party

I worked eighty hours this week if you count getting up at five a.m. as part of the work week.

Things I'd forgotten about working in the 'real world'.

How much I hate being awake at 5 a.m.
The world is 99% dumb asses and 1% blessings in disguise. (the blessings are twice as nice but harder to locate)
That the work day doesn't end til the last kid has been tucked up -- twice.
My sense of humor declines exponentially with the increasing number of hours spent dealing with above mentioned dumb asses.
Going to work is not going to work; it's getting up, coffee, dog, poke 9 year old boy, shower, food, poke the boy again, fix food, yell at boy, dry hair, force boy out of bed, pack purse, make brown bag lunches, seat boy at dining table, hurry boy upstairs, relay evils of not brushing teeth to boy, deflect argument, find boy's shoes comb backpack cell phone coat homework, push boy out the door, warm up car, wave gaily to boy, turn up music while executing Speed Racer maneuver into traffic and cursing the fact that once again my 9 year old has made me late.

Then, I get to do my job, which I am too tired to mention right now.

Sorry I haven't written. I hope to do better during the exciting WEEK TWO of Shira Goes to Work.

tomorrow's post: Taxes and the Common Man

Friday Fun


I don't believe it!

What is the matter with my faithful readers? Not ONE comment on the "Peep Show"??

Are you Marshmallow Peepiphiles or simply hate to see those tasty chicks and bunnies being used for EEEEvil?

Now I'm not going to tell you all about my first day back on the job after FOUR years. No, don't bother asking. I'm mad.



Don't be a hater of Democracy; take the poll!


Oh, Intraweb, what evils have you wrought?
Follow the link, then click on the video

Rewards of Journalism


Bizarre Photo of the Week
'The Peep Show'


Saying goodbye to Lady Emma Speaks

Well, it's done. The old blog has been deleted and I've moved up and on. I still 'own' the address, and so can use it sometime in the future if I want to do. I'm not sure what I'd do with two blogs (who has the time?) but at least I have the option.
It's interesting to read your own thoughts from a year ago. Do we realize how much happens in the space of a twelve-month? How much of it can we really remember? What stood out, what we'd prefer to forget, what we're proud of.

A few memories:

'I love reading The Age of Innocence. "This tendency he had felt from the first in Madame Olenska. The quiet, almost passive young woman struck him as exactly the kind of person to whom things were bound to happen, no matter how much she shrank from them and went out of her way to avoid them. The exciting fact was her having lived in an atmosphere so thick with drama that her own tendency to provoke it had apparently passed unperceived. It was precisely the odd absence of surprise in her that gave him the sense of her having been plucked out of a very maelstrom: the things she took for granted gave the measure of those she had rebelled against."
Lady E is oft accused of being a pessimist, but I reject that external judgement. I am an unfortunate idealist.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dream." -Roald Dahl
...Today's goal is to begin the outline for my new novel.
Will Lady Em take up wearing long flowing skirts in bright patterns and huaraches? Lick toads? Probably not, but I may go braless.
...this is where you could choose to go, or somewhere you could end up.

Last email from baghdad was the first line of his lordship's daily morning note....

Sunday I realized two things as I went searching for my neil young unplugged cd; that I couldn't put away my Crosby music, that it would surf the top of my cd case ad infinitum staring at me til I gave it my attention, and that I wanted to play the music I was hearing. I need an acoustic guitar. Badly. My happiness is at stake here.
Well, here tis...the house. The ceiling fans have been counted, the contract signed, the deal set. Barring any major issues during inspection, we get the keys October 10. Wheeee!

What can I say about moving that hasn't been said? the house is a wreck, i can't find anything, and my feet don't know the rhythm of the floor plan. we need a new kitchen because the original one was crafted by kobolds. i'm existing on yogurt raisins and turkey sandwiches. my books haven't made their way to the bookshelves -- I feel naked.

What can I say about the beginning of the second year of my forties? Preferably little.'

Coined in the news

BARACKNAPHOBIA: fear of a black president

Here's one that --> SLATE hasn't coined yet. Remember, you heard it here first.
OBAMANATION: disgust with or repugnance for Obama's candidacy or campaign

Get creative. Add your own!

The Plight of the Turtles: -> watch the video <-