
More writerly conundrums

A post was made at one of my favorite writing websites, which detailed the story of an anonymous author who became demonstrably angry with her companions at a restaurant.

What bothered me about this tale and the ensuing 87 comments, was this quote made by one of the moderators:

'My point in posting blind items was to point out that any author, even namelessly, makes the writing community look poorly as a whole with poor behavior. '

This was my comment back:

I'm surprised to hear you say that. I disagree, utterly.
If my son is a jerk at a restaurant it does not mean I'm either an asshole or a poor
mother. I do *not* represent mothers as a whole. Author 'A' does not represent Author 'B' any more than Tom Cruise could represent actors in general. Besides, I've never even BEEN on Oprah, so there.

My point is, I'm not about to walk the world worried about "representing" Nora Roberts, any more than I expect HER to represent me. I hope to Good Bitchery Above that there are others like me out there. Otherwise I'd hate to live in such a narrow world.

Writers, friends, authors. What do you think? Does one writer represent ALL? Or are we capable of being responsible for ourselves?

IMHO, if we are not capable, then we must all at this VERY moment agree to NEVER again purchase a romance novel, chick-lit, or any book with romantic overtones because the cause of romance writing has been ruined by this author's behavior.


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