
Survey Notes

Thanks to all who participated in my little survey, What is the sexiest thing you've ever seen? at All of the responses were wonderful, some intriguing, some simply beautiful.

So, what is sexy? Here's a quick snapshot.

Waking up to a man sketching me while I slept then joining in a good morning kiss!
(holy crap that's sexy! hope he wasn't a stalker)

I once saw a small concert for two mandolin players, a man and a woman. There was one piece specially written for four hands, and so the man sat behind the woman and put his arms around her to reach the mandolin. The whole piece was very sensual.
(that has a rich gooey center)

I went to a ball in Vienna, which is pretty damn sexy anyway - think Imperial Castle, wonderful music, long, low cut gowns, men in tuxes...we went in a group but I ended up spending the night dancing with this one guy, who moved so naturally to the music I was just blown away!
(wow! ancient castles and men in tuxes. mee-ow!)

A college professor, usually very buttoned-up, who I visited one day in his office. His tie was loosened and his shirt sleeves rolled. The memory of those exposed forearms still gives me chills.
(ahh, hot college days...a league of their own)

(this one, for the exquisite use of "man-panther")
I have to go right back to what made me think about sexy in the first place (geekiness to follow...): Darth Maul. That's pure man-panther...or alien panther. It actually comes down to the smooth, control of the body, but weapon wielding martial-arts aspect is somewhat important as well. Combine that with intensity of gaze and predatory stalking of another man, and I'm done. The end.

I'm so with her on intensity of gaze. Verry sexy! For myself, in addition to my oh-so-memorable tea experience, I'd have to add the fantasy of Jack Sparrow (with better teeth) calling me 'luv.' ::G:: But of course that's fantasy, not reality, which always has dibs on sexy.

Thanks again for participating, friends, and keep a weather eye for my next probing survey or poll soon.

ps: i didn't change punctuation or context on these. any and all errors in the cut and paste are mine.

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