
Obviously it has been a while since I've posted. Today's post should assure you that I am still alive. Memorial weekend was nice, Chris and I fed the ducks, got a minor sunburn, kicked a soccer ball around, and in general had a good time. For once we had relatively good weather, too.

I'm falling down exhausted right now, still furiously job hunting, working online and earning a few bucks here and there, and in general feeling cruddy. The antidote to this, of course, is my upcoming trip to San Francisco. Can't wait to see everyone, so pour me a pint of pear hard cider and save me a seat at the bar! Anyone up for Moroccan food and belly dancing out in the avenues? Just a warning, I'm bringing summery white clothes which I intend to wear often; if you can't stand to be seen with touristy ole me, take a different cable car. Wheee, travel!

Just a reminder, the Crosby Stills & Nash tickets will be available directly through me, moi, myself, until the last week of June. Then they go back to ticketmaster for sale there. If you want 'em, better get 'em while you can.


Anonymous said...

Eat some Moroccan food for me -- yum!

Shira said...

I so will! Wish you were - er - there! : (